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A Unified Sustainability Index Framework for Small and Medium Enterprises (Host Institution: Aston University)

Small-and-medium sized enterprises have a tendency to be less engaged with environmental management practices and performance.
The goal of this research program titled “A Unified Sustainability Index Framework for Small and Medium Enterprises” (UNIFORM) is to assist in implementing environmental agendas within SMEs’ core business strategies and the more general concept of sustainable practice and sustainable development. According to our knowledge, up to now there has not been presented a unified methodology in order to measure and incorporate sustainability in SMEs, especially targeted towards sustainable supply chain practices. We will provide significant assistance in synthesizing evidence to assist develop sustainable managerial policies in this sector and to make environmental management a core activity that SMEs will need to engage in, along with the already existing operational factors.

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Funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship

We aim to develop methodological tools which will upscale and accurately measure the sustainability levels in individual SMEs without risking their economic performance, by quantifying the importance of the selected sustainability and incorporate this perception in the final sustainability estimations.
Special attention shall be given to SMEs from the manufacturing and process sectors, since their carbon footprint is most notable, and it is crucial to make them environmental friendly. Finally, we will deliver and test a unified modelling framework for measuring and improving SMEs’ sustainability levels, which will be usable for the managers of SMEs. This will provide SMEs’ managers with a structured way of measuring sustainability, facilitating the integration of sustainability practices into their business, in a strategic and long-term perspective.
Overall, using the methodological tools and end results, SMEs will benefit by enhancing their sustainability levels, managing their sustainability strategy and integrate sustainability issues into mainstream management.

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